Ty, Chantelle, and Shaylee

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Amazing Rodeo Weekend

So, last weekend we had kids rodeoing in two different locations again.  Chantelle was up in Bassett two days and Ty decided to go to Taylor on Saturday, mainly so he could get to rope with his new team roping partner again before the Jr High season starts later in September.   All of us but Ty headed up to Bassett late Friday night.   Saturday morning I got up and headed to Taylor to meet up with Ty and watch him compete while Ryan stayed with Chantelle in Bassett.

My mom and Arden also travelled to Bassett to cheer on Chantelle while my dad and Linda met me in Taylor to watch Ty.    Chantelle's pole horse came up lame so she had to draw out of poles for the weekend.  She missed her breakaway calves but her and Charmane ended up 9th in the team roping on Saturday.
Ty started out the day with poles, won that event.  Cool.  Taylor awards buckles for first place in each event so we knew we wouldn't be going home empty handed.  Next came Breakaway Roping.  Won that.  Nice!   Then Calf Roping, yep, won that too.   Then barrel racing, first place again.  We were all in shock.  Wow, what a day.  Finally it was time for team roping.   Ty and Austin went out and had a really nice run.  Caught their steer in 10.19 to win that event too.   Ty ended up with 5 new belt buckles and was awarded the All Around Trophy too!   I am so proud of him.  He works so hard practicing every day, he truly deserved and earned his buckles.

After Ty got all of his awards I headed back to Bassett.  Ty came later after he took his horses home.  He had competed on his new horse that he bought a few weeks ago for the first time. 
Chantelle had enjoyed being back in the rodeo scene and seeing all her friends again.  She enjoyed the night life and well into the morning life!   Now we are all back home getting ready to do it all over again next weekend and the following 7 weekends after that!

First Day of School 2011

I can't believe it is school time already!   Boy we aren't ready for it this year.  We've been practicing rodeoing so well, sometimes even twice a day, it's going to be hard not to be able to do that.
This morning both kids reluctantly drug themselves out of bed and off to school they went.  Ty's only excited because his good friend J.T. is going to be in Dunning with him this year, so I'm expecting a few detention slips!  Chantelle has a really hard course load this year, including Physics, Pre-Calculus, and Spanish.  Luckily she has sports practice at the end of day to look forward to.  Ty's 8th grade class is made up of 5 boys and 1 girl, Chantelle's Junior class is 9 boys, 2 girls.
Since Ty's football practice doesn't start until next week, he was home at 4:10.  Chantelle got home from volleyball practice around 6:30, just in time to get on her horse.  After roping for awhile, and after I'd spent 3 hours cooking, we finally sat down to our annual first day of school supper around 8:30.  Every year we eat supper by candlelight on the good china to celebrate the start of a new school year.   This year we had chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, fried eggplant, cheesy garlic beer bread, and home made chocolate pudding!   Luckily no homework the first night!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Shaylee's Broken!

So, July 28th started out a normal day.  Was going to be a good day.  One of my last few days at home before school started, and before the fall rodeo season started.  I had a lot on my to do list!   Chantelle was in charge of Shaylee so I could get things done.    The girls headed outside around 9 to play and jump on the trampoline.  It wasn't long and Chantelle came running, Shaylee had been jumping and she heard a snap and Shaylee was really crying.  She was for sure she'd broken her leg.  Now normally I'm the parent that lets them tough it out and get over it, BUT, since Chany had actually heard it snap I made the call to the Dr, got all us girls ready, and a flying trip to Callaway we made!  Two x-rays later we found out the tibia was indeed fractured.  Just below the knee.

At Callaway they put a splint on her leg and sent us home,  with an appointment to see a specialist in Kearney.   Shaylee was NOT a happy little girl.  She kept forgetting she couldn't walk and had to be carried everywhere.  It didn't take long for the rest of us to get tired of it too!   She was heavy and never did like to stay in one place for long!   She didn't sleep well either.

We ended up going to the specialist the very next day to get the real cast on.  The specialist looked at the x-rays and said they looked good, no need for surgery or anything else.  Just a cast.  A cast the goes halfway up her thigh!   She got to pick her color out of a big list and chose purple!
After we got the real cast on she was a much happier girl.  She still couldn't walk of course but it must have felt better.  No more complaining of pain and she slept really well.  We went and bought her special silver and pastel markers to let everyone sign it too!

Chany and mommy were the first to sign.
Then we went down to grandma and grandpa's house and they signed it and Ty came down and signed it too.  Aunt Lishia and Braden were also there.   Shay was getting autographs left and right.

It didn't take her long to figure out that if it didn't hurt she could get places.  After a couple days she did start to scoot across the floor to get places and would take a few steps between pieces of furniture.   One day we "lost" her and found her in going potty all by herself.  Not sure how she managed to get her panties down and up on the toilet but she did it!

Grandma Jeanne and Grandpa Arden sent a big bag of stuff home for Shaylee from a rodeo of Ty's  Lots of markers and paper and stickers and stuff.  Shaylee was so excited and it has helped keep her entertained.  Then Aunt Lishia and Heather got her lots and lots of candy.  Not sure THAT was what we needed, lol, but Shaylee sure did enjoy it.   NEXT came a big box from Aunt Vonda!   Inside that box was all sorts of Dora stuff and PLAYDOH!   We hadn't ventured down the playdoh route yet but Shaylee she has had fun with it.  She has played and played with it, and done very well with it.  She gets them all out, plays, hasn't mixed any of the colors up, and they all go back in the containers.  I know I can't believe it!    A few more days later and Chantelle took Shaylee up to the farm for an overnight trip and came home with yet another bag of goodies.  No, this child isn't spoiled.  Grandma also went and got Shaylee a walker.  THIS she used for maybe 48 hours.  It did not take her long to finally start walking on her own.    Now it's pretty much like nothing is wrong.  Except, we can't play in the bathtub and a few little things that we haven't figured out yet.

As you can see, she isn't slowed down any more.  This was at Ty's rodeo on Saturday.  She can climb panels with no problems or help!   She made it through two rodeos this weekend without any problems.  Her toes were filthy by the time we got home Sunday but she was a trooper.  

After the rodeo we even tossed her in the pen of goats and let her herd them around for awhile while we waited on Ty.   She had a blast!

We go back to the doctor this Wednesday to have it more x-rays and see how it is going.   Am kinda hoping they could put a little different cast on.  We'll see.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nephews, Nephews, Nephews

Boy how I love my nephews, and I have a ton of them!   Brandon, Marty, Riley, Derrik, Jace, Preston, Christopher, Britt, and Braden.   It was a good week, I got to all but Brandon, Jace, and Braden.   Each of them have their own unique personality and you just gotta love each of them.  Brandon I can talk to about anything, Braden and Preston are my "great-nephews" with Braden being the most recent addition, and then you have all the teenagers and close to teenagers.  Several of them are all about the same age and get along really well, and can get in trouble really well too.   Friday night Ty had Preston and Britt staying over.   They went to the river, they hunted, they tied calves, who knows what else.  I love having nephews over.   I didn't get pictures of them, except one distant one Chantelle took for me of them at the river, and some of Derrik at the Rosenberger Farm.   Wish I could have gotten pictures of Britt, he showed up ready to hunt in his "Larry the Cable Guy" outfit.   Just had to chuckle at the kid.
The biggest problem with my nephews is that they all live so far away.  They are strung from Kentucky, Kansas, Wyoming, and clear the western part of Nebraska!

A Day At The Farm

For my mom's birthday, she requested a day with me.  We both had Saturday free so we made plans to spend the day.   Shay and I got up and headed to Hemingford at 5:30 in the morning so we could make the most of the day.  We had talked about going up to Mt. Rushmore for the day but their harvestors showed up so we just spent the day relaxing on the farm.  
First came helping Grandma open her birthday presents.

Next came Shaylee's favorite activity of the day.  Rocking Goober the cat in the recliner, until he would get mad and run off, then she'd get mad.

Grandpa was really excited to see us and took us for a drive to look at all his wheat.
Grandpa said "I think I have some wheat over there, that would be over Shaylee's head!"   But, when we got there Shay wouldn't get back out, good thing because it obviously would have been over her head, we could barely see Derrik!
After our wheat drive we went to Alliance and got pizza!  Everyone was ready to eat.   Then we came back and checked on the combines and took a nap.  Well, we took a nap AFTER we had poppy seed birthday cake!
After a quick nap we ran into town so Shaylee could slide and swing and then Grandpa showed up again and took us for ICE CREAM! 

Derrik found he has just gotten TOO tall to thoroughly enjoy this anymore.

After ice cream grandma made us supper, yeah I know, we do things backwards.   By then it was almost 9 o'clock and we needed to get on the road for home.   We had a great day.   It is always fun to go to the farm but we just don't have to time to go as often as we used to.   It was a bonus that Derrik was there too, we don't get to see him as often either.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Jr High Nationals, Gallup, NM

Well, thought I would finally share with you all about our fun and exciting trip to Gallup, NM for Ty's Jr High National Finals Rodeo.
It all started on a Wednesday morning.  We finally had the trailer packed for 2 weeks of fun filled family time.   We headed to Hastings to Chantelle's State Rodeo Finals where she was competing in Breakaway Roping.  Ty left Hastings Friday afternoon with his team roping partner Riley Wakefiled to head to New Mexico.  We waited until 10:30 Friday night to leave until Chantelle, and Dayna Strand, who was going to ride with us, were done roping.  Dayna ended up 2nd in the 2nd go so we waited until she received her buckle to head out.
We drove all night, Ryan was determined to get to Goodwell, OK before we stopped.   Got to cross Kansas in the dark.  Have to say, a lot of things we'd like to see in the daylight so we knew just what they were!  :)    We made it to Goodwell about 6:30 the next morning.   We pulled into the arena to pen the horse and get a short nap.  We slept about 3 hours and loaded the horse back up and on the road again we went.  Funny thing is, Ty slept in the same place we did, they pulled out about half an hour before we got there, we just missed him.
                                             Shaylee walking Cody before we loaded him back up for the rest of the trip!

We travelled across the very corners of Oklahoma and Texas.  I can honestly say I wasn't impressed.  Not much there.  Sure hope the rest of the states have more to offer.  It was around 103 when we went through Albuquerque.  We stopped and got lunch and walked Cody again.  Not far now!   We pulled into Red Rock Park right around 6:00 our time.
Ty met us as we pulled in and we got his horse checked in and were taken to our stall and shown our camping spot.  
We still aren't sure why we took the time to drag all our stuff out.  The wind blew so hard every day that you couldn't even see our carpet!   After we got settled Sheila was nice enough to take me on her golf cart to go get MY golf cart.   However, to this day Sheila is still a little mad that MY golf cart would go faster than hers!   I found it went faster than most, much to my glee!!!
Our ride
Ty jumped right into activites that night and entered the team roping jackpot.  Unfortunately he didn't win money to help pay for our vacation.
The next day we could actually sleep in, and we all needed it.  Ty's mandatory meeting wasn't until later that morning with team pictures to follow.  It was our first glance at the overwhelming 3 arenas.

The rodeo performance started Sunday night.  From there on we'd get up, attend a rodeo, eat lunch, nap, etc, then do it all over again that night.   Luckily Ty wasn't up until Tuesday night so he could get things figured out before it was his turn.
Ty waving the Nebraska flag.   Nebraska fans were well known there!

Chantelle, and Dayna, enjoying the heat.
Monday brought me exploring the town, finding Walmart, and the state picnic.   Ohhh, and the trade show.  Can't forget the trade show.  Of course we didn't just do that on Monday, it was almost a daily thing.
Nebraska picnic
Tuesday brought us eating out with Strands for a break from cooking, and then me with my first experience in the laundromat.   It was an experience, and very hot experience.  But hey, I did do 7 loads in an hour and half.  Hauling all those clothes in and back out to the pickup was a pain though!

Finally the time had arrived.  Tuesday night.  Ty was up.  I am fairly certain I was more nervous than he was.   He and Riley went out and roped just like they should, it was so exciting.  Chantelle, Dayna, and I had even went to the other grandstands to film and got to give him a high 5 as they came out of the arena.   First steer down in 10.666.   First place in their perf, and ended up 3rd in the round.

Wednesday morning Ty carried a sponsor flag, Cinch, in the grand entry.

After the performance the boys received their awards for 3rd place.   VERY nice bronc halters and a voucher for a pair of jeans.

After awards we grabbed a quick lunch, Ryan went golfing with the guys, and the rest of us headed over to the volleyball tournament.  Chantelle helped coach Ty's team.  Shaylee and I made continuous trips to refill our Roy's Lemonade cup.

Thursday morning wasn't a good one for us.  Ty was up again.  They came out of the box, all looked perfect and next thing I knew, Ty's rope was on the ground.  Did I miss him throwing?  I was filming and was confused.  When he came around the last time right before he was going to throw, he lost his loop.  It floated away behind him.   Soooo disappointing for him.  But, something I bet he never lets happen again.   Was a long trip back to the trailer after this performance.

To take everyone's mind off the morning we decided to take a drive and see the scenery.   We went north of the park and took some back country trail roads.   The landscape was neat and the kids got to see how some other people live, on the desert.   Ty to this day can't believe they have cattle and feels bad for the livestock.

The park/arena was on the other side of this, the "Four Fingers"
From Thursday on we just went to the rodeos and crossed our fingers.  Hoping Ty and Riley's time was good enough to pull them into the short go on Saturday night.  
I must mention the below was the highlight of Shay's days.  On the way and to and from the rodeo there was a single swing and a slide.  We would let her stop and do each both coming and going.

Friday.  Oh Friday.  Friday was the first.   My kids got an experience of a lifetime.  Something none of us care to participate in again.  My head was killing me so I begged off of cooking and asked if we could go out to eat.  HUGE mistake.  The Indians get paid on the first.  We couldn't even get off the interstate.  We sat at a red light, backed into the interstate for over half an hour.  Then at the next light forever too.   We wanted to go to Cracker Barrel but couldn't get across traffic so went to Golden Corral.  You have never seen such a sight.  Lines clear out to the parking lot.  People EVERYWHERE.   It was a sight to see, my kids were amazed.  This I don't have pictures of, but really wish I did.  So many interesting people we saw that day.  If you are ever in Gallup on the first, pack a lunch!   I had to run get groceries later that day, which took a long time too.  Fun day!

Red Rock Park is a really cool place.  You are surrounded by the rocks, as well as trailers, with several different campgrounds strung throughout the park.  Stalls everywhere.  Golf carts are required.  The girls, Chany and Dayna, even took the cart out at nights crusin' around.

Looking down Nebraska row

Saturday came and we were starting to dread the drive home.  Some were more ready to go home than others.  Ty slipped a few more places in the standings but held in there and made the short go sitting 15th.  Whew!   He also carried another sponsor flag Saturday morning since he'd already been up and practicing with Riley and had his horse saddled.

Saturday afternoon was spent picking up and starting to pack.  We knew we'd be leaving bright and early Sunday morning, hoping to drive clear home.  Everyone hit the trade show one last time.  Both kids found lots of neat stuff.   And, we had to return the beloved golf cart.  :(   But the grand finale was finally here.   Go Ty Go!

Ty and Riley came out and had a perfect run.  Roped their steer in 9.429.  Yay!   Thought maybe they were even going to win the round but the final two teams came out and beat them.  Oh well.  They ended up 3rd again in the short round.  Another halter and pair of jeans.  We'll take that!  We are so very thankful, so many kids went home with nothing.  

3rd place Short Go
Doing well sure made the walk to the trailer seem ok without the golf cart!  :)

Ty and Riley ended up 8th overall, out of approximately 150 teams.  Not too bad!  We'll take that.

Luckily Ty set his alarm for 5 am and woke us all up Sunday morning so we could get headed home.

Leaving Red Rock Park
After not being impressed with Oklahoma and Texas we begged for a new route home.  We came home through Colorado!  Yay.  We all LOVE the mountains.  We ran into a LOT of smoke and you couldn't see very far, but still the landscape was pretty.  Some places the fire had burnt right up to the interstate.  We brought home Shaina's horse Smurf and her goat Oprah, so we had a full herd in the back that required walking.

Ty, Cody, and Smurf
Finally, 17 hours later, after a stop at Walmart to get groceries for home, we pulled into our yard a little before midnight.   What a ride.  I wouldn't trade it for anything.  We had a great time, fun experiences, and I love spending the time with my family.